Gratitude Yoga Space


Divine Alchemy

Soul Guidance, Energy Medicine and Yoga

She + He = S(HE)

She + He = Inner Balance between the Feminine and Masculine aspects

She + He = Divine Alchemy

Bridget has created S(HE): Divine Alchemy as the sacred container to support your transformation 

S(HE) is the journey of reawakening the Divine Feminine and healing the Divine Masculine. We require both aspects to find harmonious balance within ourselves. This process of returning to balance is the practice of Divine Alchemy. We break down the structure that is no longer working -the suppressed feminine and the distorted masculine- so that a new form can be.

Alchemy is the process of turning lead (the ego) into gold (the soul). The only way this can happen is under great pressure and heat within a container to support transformation. Our current world is now providing the pressure, heat, and opportunity for transformation.

Bridget’s gift is to activate your remembrance of the Divine Being you are while supporting you in moving through the layers of old beliefs and behaviors ready to be released. You get to discover your ability to turn your lead into gold. It does not matter if you currently identify as a man or a woman, every person on this planet is now being called to remember their ability to heal and re-balance. Reawaken, Realign, Reclaim your Divine Being.

Bridget works with clients in the following ways

Join Bridget for in-person and virtual sessions

Ray of light meridian therapy

Guided mediation and healing form

Inner Child Journey & Re-Parenting Guidance

Re-connect with your inner child, begin to heal your childhood wounds while learning to re-parent yourself 

yoga nidra

Guided mediation for stress reduction, inner harmony, and nervous system regulation 

Sacred Womb Space Healing

Movement, breath, and visualization to re-wire your connection with your Womb Space

Session pricing

In-person and virtual sessions are available

  • Single One-on-One Session (1.5hrs – 2hrs): $244
  • Two One-on-One Sessions(1.5 – 2 hrs): $450
  • Reawaken: Monthly Membership: Coming Soon
  • Realign: 3 Month Commitment: Coming Soon
  • Reclaim: 6 Month Commitment: Coming Soon

Enhanced Healing: Includes 2 Ray of Light one-on-one sessions with Bridget and 1 one-on-one session with Michael Young: $500

This Enhanced Healing Package is intended to be done during a one month period. Bridget and Michael’s complementary energy will support you in seeing the behaviors and beliefs that are creating challenges in your life. Through this combination of healing you will be assisted in moving through blocks you are experiencing in your life at this time.

Visit our Facebook and YouTube pages to become a part of the S(HE) community and learn more about how S(HE) Divine Alchemy can make a positive impact in your life.

Contact Bridget to Get Started

Stone buddha with peaceful expression

Schedule a 20-minute complimentary call to explore what healing form(s) will benefit you the most, discuss whether in-person or virtual sessions are the best fit, and discover if Bridget is the aligned healer for you.

To schedule an appointment or purchase a healing package contact Bridget Schuch by phone at 503-409-6273 or by email

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