Gratitude Yoga Space

Classes & Schedule

All classes open; Please arrive 15min early to your first class

Movement Styles

Explore Our Classes


All Levels Flow Yoga

Appropriate for adventurous beginners. This class is based on a traditional Vinyasa Flow with an emphasis on appropriate form and alignment, options for each pose are given for both moderate and beginner participants, allowing the individual to modify when necessary for their body. 60 minutes


Chair Yoga

Appropriate during late term Pregnancy, for individuals at any age who are restricted or limited from getting down onto the floor. In this class we spend very little time in the chair, instead we use the chair as a prop. It is designed to give anybody the same fulfilling experience they would have in a “traditional” class without having to get up and down from the floor. We do the same poses from other class formats. 40 minutes


Moderate Flow Yoga

Not suitable for beginners. This class is based on the traditional Vinyasa Flow with an emphasis on keeping a moderate pace and increasingly challenging poses/flows as we grow together as a class. 60 minutes



Pilates is a form of exercise developed by Joseph Pilates which emphasizes the balanced development of the body through core strength, flexibility, and awareness in order to support efficient, graceful movement and total core strength. Instructor Bridget Schuch is certified with Power Pilates.


Slow Flow Yoga

Great for beginners. This class is a Vinyasa Flow with a focus on slowing down, moving intentionally into poses and utilizing the breath to deepen into the practice. This class is also offered as Evening Flow later in the day. 60 minutes


Strength Training

Training Groups are a great way to get a work out in with other people (up to 8 people total). These groups are led by Bridget, ACE-Certified Personal Trainer. In 45 minutes you will get a warm up, work out and cool down. All groups meet at the same time, on the same days each week (flexibility on days/times is possible). These groups are fun and the work out is provided in the privacy of a studio atmosphere.


Yoga Nidra

In this class we spend the first 30min moving our bodies and the last 30 minutes in Nidra practice. There is less focus on holding poses and greater emphasis on fluid movements. The Nidra practice is done laying down on your mat and relaxing while I take you through a guided journey into the body and beyond. Yoga Nidra is especially great for anyone who is interested in cultivating greater self-awareness and personal growth. 60 minutes

Yoga is accessible to all. Join us to start or continue your personal yoga practice.

grayscale photo of kettlebell weights on the floor with strength straps in behind

Monthly Membership Options

yoga & pilates

Single class drop-in $15

Monthly Passes:

3 classes per month $40

5 classes per month $65

8 classes per month $75

*monthly passes expire one month from the date of purchase

Punch Card:

10 classes $125

*punch cards expire three months from the date of purchase

strength training

$155* per month

*add unlimited yoga/pilates classes for $45 per month

Gratitude Yoga owner Bridget standing outside in hands to heart center yoga pose
Yoga For Everyone and every body

Benefits of Yoga

Below are just a few highlights of the benefits of  yoga and movement. Yoga not only offers improvements in strength and flexibility, but can boost your mood and energy as well. 

Gratitude Yoga owner Bridget in a yoga pose outside
enhance Flexibility

Yoga can improve flexibility in the body through gentle stretching.

build strength

Holding poses strengthens muscles and improves balance.

Relax body & mind

A consistent yoga routine can help calm anxiety and relieve tension.

Increase Blood Flow

Slow movements and breathing increase blood flow.

Current Gratitude Schedule and Classes

Please click the button below to view our current schedule. This link is updated regularly, please check back for the new schedule of classes.

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